Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bah, fitness

So, yesterday was my first day back at uni, for about a month when you take into account holidays and the study break. It seems I lost some of my fitness in the downtime, because when I was running for the train in the morning, I got tired much earlier than I remember doing at the end of the last trimester. Running for the train is how I stay fit, a lot of the time, even if I'm not running late (everyone loves a bad pun don't they), I'll still run because I enjoy it. However I never seem to be motivated to spontaneously go for a run during my down time.

But I like being fit, to at least some degree, so I really need to try and actually do some exercise in the holidays. Hopefully it'll be easier over Summer, when it's a bit warmer, which is my next long break. I did take up press ups (push ups? I never know which is right, or even if one is more correct than the other), and I try and rattle off 20-30 of these every now and again. Sometimes I try and exercise other muscles, such as doing squats or crunches, but am usually too lazy to do these. Running and press ups alone are pretty good though, I reckon. I would also like to do pull ups, but don't have anywhere to do them really, I don't really like doing things like this in public, because it feels like I'm showing off, and I generally suck at first.

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