Monday, April 25, 2011

First real program

Today I was looking back over the first real program I ever wrote. It was for my Casio fx-9750G plus graphing calculator which I had in college. The calculator had a basic derived language that was quite powerful, if at times difficult to use due to having to navigate the menus to insert keywords. I had played around a bit with the programs given in the book, and a few games that I had found on the net, but I wanted to make something a bit more interesting, something you could actually play with a friend (and I was thinking an AI, but never got round to that).

I had played a game where you had to set the power, and the aim was to hit a target. However it was quite simplistic, and you only got one shot before it changed the position, which was a bit frustrating. I took the idea, and the basic formula for the projectile from that game, and made ARTILERY (only one L as the name of a program could be a max of 8 chars). It's basically a simple tank game, with three weapons (of successively smaller damage areas, but higher damage), with alternating turns, and wind. Source code follows. Note that the comments were added by me when I typed it up (previously I wrote it out on a piece of refill). I was actually surprised how much of the mechanics I remembered, or could figure out without too much difficulty. Feel free to do the laborious task of typing this out into your calculator if you have one and want to play.

# This is a simple artillery game
# 1502 bytes
# -> means the assignment operator, →
# => means the single line then operator, ⇒
# Try holding the keys down rather than just pressing them when playing

ClrText                                                    # [SHIFT][PRGM][F6][F1][F1] for ClrText
"    --ARTILLERY--"
" "
" "
"  0=HELP 1~9=START"?->A
If A=0
Then ClrText
"<-/-> = CHANGE WEAPONUP/DOWN = POWER+5/-5 F5/F6 = POWER-1/+1"       # [F6][F5] for /
"+/- = ANGLE+5/-5"
ViewWindow 0,80,0,0,30,0,0,4,.1
AxesOff                                                    # [SHIFT][MENU][F4][F2] for AxesOff
Deg                                                        # Sets angles to degrees, [SHIFT][MENU][F1][F1] for 'Deg'
ᴇ2->C~D                                                    # ᴇ=EXP, C=p1 hp, D=p2 hp
Int 51Ran#-25->W                                           # W=wind
0->Z                                                       # Z=0/1 => plyr 1/2's turn
28Ran#+7->E                                                # E=left player's position
28Ran#+45->F                                               # F=right player's position
Lbl 1                                                      # Lbl 1 = start a player's turn
F-Line E,0,E+3,2                                           # [SHIFT][F4][F6][F2][F2] for F-Line
F-Line F,0,F-3,2
F-Line E+3,0,E+1.5,1
F-Line F-3,0,F-1.5,1
Text 1,1,"WIND="                                           # [SHIFT][F4][F6][F6][F2] for Text 
Text 8,1,"DIR="
Text 1,78,"POWER="
Text 8,78,"ANGLE="
Text 1,40,"WEAPON="
Text 15,1,"PLYR 1="
Text 15,78,"PLYR 2="
Text 15,43,"TIME="
15->T                                                      # T=time
0->N                                                       # N=0 on the first iteration of main loop
45->A                                                      # A=angle
30->V                                                      # V=velocity (power)
1->G                                                       # G=1/2/3 shrapnel/explosive/bomb
If Z=0
Then C->S
Text 22,10,"^"
1->R                                                       # R=direction multiplier
Else 0->Z
Text 22,110,"^"
Text 15,30,C                                               # Show each player's hp
Text 15,107,D
If Z=0
Then D->S
Lbl 2                                                      # Lbl 2 = main game loop
Int 51Ran#-25->B                                           # Set the wind
Text 1,25,"   "                                            # 3 spaces to cover the previous wind
Text 1,25,W
W>0=>Text 8,24,"->"                                        # Set the wind direction arrow
W<0=>Text 8,24,"<-"
Text 15,65,"  "                                            # 2 spaces to cover the previous time
Text 15,65,T
T=0=>Goto 4                                                # Time's up
Getkey->K                                                  # Read keypad input [SHIFT][VARS][F6][F4][F2] for Getkey
N=0=>Goto 3                                                # Process keypress on first iteration to draw everything, skip later
K=0=>Goto 2                                                # Restart the event loop if no keypress
Lbl 3                                                      # Lbl 3 = process key press
K=27=>G≠3=>G+1->G                                          # Pressed -> to get next weapon
K=38=>G≠1=>G-1->G                                          # Pressed <- to get previous weapon
G=1=>Text 8,40,"SHRAPNEL "                                 # Spaces for padding to ensure old text is covered
G=2=>Text 8,40,"EXPLOSIVE"
G=3=>Text 8,40,"BOMB     "
K=28=>V+5->V                                               # Pressed up to increase velocity by 5
K=29=>V+1->V                                               # Pressed F6 to increase velocity by 1
K=37=>V>0=>V-5->V                                          # Pressed down to decrease velocity by 5
K=39=>V>0=>V-1->V                                          # Pressed F5 to decrease velocity by 1
Text 1,106,V                                               # Write the current velocity on screen
K=42=>A+5->A                                               # Pressed + so increase angle by 5
K=32=>A>0=>A-5->A                                          # Pressed - so decrease angle by 5
Text 8,106,A                                               # Write the current angle on screen
If K=31                                                    # Pressed EXE so fire!
Then Graph(X,Y)=(R(.5V+5+.35RWT)cos A✕T+P,(.5V+5)sin A✕T-4.9T²       # Draws the shot, [SHIFT][F4][F5][F3] for 'Graph(X,Y)=('
(.5V+5)sin A÷4.9->T                                        # T=Time before projectile hit
R(.5V+5+.35RWT)cos A✕T+P->L                                # L=X coord (location) projectile hit
If G=1                                                     # Draw the blast (shrapnel)
Then For -5->Y To 5 Step 10
F-Line L,0,L+2Y,1
F-Line L,0,L+4⌟3Y,1.5
F-Line L,0,L+.5Y,2
L≤O+10=>L≥O-10=>D-30+Int (2Abs (L-O))->D                   # Deal damage, based on distance from blast
If G=2                                                     # explosive
Then For -1->Y To 1 Step 2
F-Line L,0,L-5Y,.75
F-Line L,0,L-3Y,1.5
F-Line L,0,L-1.5Y,2
L≤O+5=>L≥O-5=>D-50+Int (6Abs (L-O))->D
If G=3                                                     # bomb
Then F-Line L-2.5,0,L+2.5,0
F-Line L-1.5,.5,L+1.5,.5
F-Line L-1,1,L+1,1
L≤O+2.5=>L≥O-2.5=>D-80+Int (16Abs (L-O))->D
Text 30,49,"BOOM!"
If D≤0                                                     # hp≤0, so game over
Then Text 45,33,"PLAYER 2 WINS!"
If Z=0
Then Text 15,30,"  "                                       # 2 spaces
Text 15,30,D                                               # Print out final hp
Else Text 45,61,1                                          # Overwrite the 2 with a 1 in "PLAYER 2 WINS!"
Text 15,107,"  "                                           # 2 spaces
Text 15,107,D
Stop                                                       # [SHIFT][VARS][F2][F4] for Stop
Goto A
Goto 2
Lbl 4
Text 30,42,"TIME UP!"
Lbl A
Text 40,42,"PRESS EXE"◢
Goto 1

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