Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Coding in my spare time now feels so blah

So I started work at my job for the Summer just over two weeks ago, which is great, I'm really enjoying it, but it has almost completely removed my motivation in my spare time. When I'm working all day coding, I really can't be bothered to do more at home, well at the moment at least. Though I have been quite busy lately and that could've been contributing to it.

Having used python almost exclusively at work so far, I'm really enjoying it, it seems to be a really nice programming language, and if I do go back to working on my project, I'll be sorely tempted to start again in python. Though I don't really know how to use its gui libraries, and I doubt I'll get any chance at that at work.

The other thing I find really annoying is that after getting used to my large, wide screen monitor at work, it's really frustrating to use eclipse with my small laptop screen. Though that's a fairly minor thing really.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dimetric Land Rendering

So I got started on my game, I'm calling it BMAC (Build me a city). I've been playing around with the dimetric rendering (sort of like isometric, except instead of all 3 angles between the axes being the same, 2 are the same, and the third is different). I've got it to the point where with a grid of tiles, each with an elevation, it's drawing a fairly nice landscape. Without further ado I present to you my test picture.

As you can see, it's not quite perfect, some of those little moundy things should really merge with their neighbours, and at the top of the hill in the bottom two lines stick out a bit which is odd, but I plan on doing them soon.

That was quite a bit of effort, and quite a bit of drawing pictures to see how it should look. I plan on making it so it can draw from 4 directions looking down at it, but have only down one of these so far, the rest will come.

That's around 500 lines of code or so, which is less than I thought it'd be, but I suppose once I get all the special cases and directions and things that'll increase significantly. I'm quite chuffed though, I thought that would take much longer.