This is a word I find myself saying more and more. In current usage, the word you does not technically have a plural, but yous (and also you all) are becoming popular for that. I find myself saying it without thinking, and when I try not to say it, it sounds wrong. It's funny the way languages change.
I'm still not sure whether I want to try and stick with the more "correct" usage, or go with this new plural form. Generally I try and use proper grammar as much as possible, but there really isn't all that much point in casual usage. Words come in and out, meanings change, but sometimes it can be fun to go against that change. I still enjoy asking people, "Contemporary with what?" when they use the term contemporary to mean recent, because that's not its actual meaning. Most people don't even understand what I'm on about, sad as it may be. Ah well, I shouldn't spend too much time bemoaning this change, as I said, languages do change, and will keep changing.